The Types of Penetration Testing

In today’s corporate environment, there is no doubt that security is now one of the main issues being addressed. Every day, you hear about Cyber hackers attacking into computer systems and servers, stealing everything from passwords to financial information and data.
No matter how hard the management and IT teams at these businesses try to combat these types of security breaches, the hacker is always one step ahead. In fact, this can be very much likened to that of a cat and mouse game.
But, the good news is that there is a way a company can find out security weaknesses and vulnerabilities before the Cyber Hacker can. This can be accomplished through an iterative process known as “Penetration Testing”, or simply known as a “Pen Test” for short.
In simple terms (although the actual testing can be quite complex a Pen Test examines any weaknesses in the IT infrastructure of a corporation by trying to discover and exploit them, in a safe manner. These vulnerabilities can be found in the software itself at these particular points of entry:
  • Backdoors in the Operating System;
  • Unintentional flaws in the design of the software code;
  • Improper software configuration management implementation;
  • Using the actual software application in a way it was not intended to be used.
Pen Testing can be accomplished either through manual or automatic processes and is often targeted towards the following endpoints:
  • Servers;
  • Network endpoints;
  • Wireless networks;
  • Network security devices (this is hit upon the most in an actual Pen Test, which includes the Routers, Firewalls, Network Intrusion devices, etc.);
  • Mobile and wireless devices;
  • Other areas of exposure, such as that of software applications and the code behind it.

Penetration Testing Your WordPress Website

Penetration testing or “pentesting” your website or network is the act of analyzing your systems to find vulnerabilities that an attacker might exploit.
A ‘white box‘ pentest is a penetration test where an attacker has full knowledge of the systems they are attacking. White box penetration testing has the goal of providing maximum information to the penetration tester so that they can more effectively find vulnerabilities in the systems or organization. This information allows the pentester to test as widely and deeply as possible. Information provided to white box pentesters may include network diagrams, source code, access to staff for interviews, configuration information and more.
A ‘black box‘ pentest is one where the attacker has no knowledge and is emulating a real world attacker who would know very little about the targeted systems. Black box penetration testing is usually done from outside the targeted systems and uses reconnaissance to gather any information.

14 Open Source Web Application Vulnerability Scanners

In the past, many popular websites have been hacked. Hackers are now active and always try to hack websites and leak data. This is why security testing of web applications is very important. And here comes the role of web application security scanners. Web Application Security Scanner is a software program which performs automatic black box testing on a web application and identifies security vulnerabilities. Scanners do not access the source code, they only perform functional testing and try to find security vulnerabilities.
Various paid and free web application vulnerability scanners are available. In this post, we are listing the best free open source web application vulnerability scanners. I am adding the tools in random order. So please do not think it is a ranking of tools.
I am only adding open source tools which can be used to find security vulnerabilities in web applications. I am not adding tools to find server vulnerabilities. And do not confuse with free tools and open source tools. Because there are various other tools available for free, but they do not provide source code to other developers. Open source tools are those which offer source codes to developers so that developers can modify the tool or help in further development.
These are the best open source web application penetration testing tools:

10 Fundamental Cybersecurity Lessons for Beginners

  1. “More” is not a strategy. Gartner estimates global spending on IT security will reach $100 billion in 2018. Clearly, the prevailing attitude is we need to be doing (and spending) more. But before you spend a dime on security you need to develop both clarity and buy-in around your top priorities and goals. If you start shopping for solutions before you understand your specific needs you'll run the risk of buying a hammer when your problem isn’t really a nail.
  2. Security isn’t just one person’s responsibility. To be truly effective, you need to develop a culture of security that transforms it into a company-wide effort. That said, you do need someone with expertise actively owning and managing security, even if you plan on outsourcing. Spending money on solutions is a waste if no one knows how to leverage them properly (or, in the case of outsourcing, hold them accountable).
  3. Outsourcing can make sense. But only if you have a clearly-defined goal to achieve or problem to solve, and only if you can find the right provider who can deliver on those specific needs. Download the eBook for a list of 10 things to consider to evaluate managed security service providers.

What Are TCP/IP Router (Routing) Tables?

A router table (also called routing table) is stored data used by TCP/IP network routers to calculate the destinations of messages they are responsible for forwarding. A router table is a small in-memory database managed by the router's built-in hardware and software.

Router Table Entries and SizesRouter tables contain a list of IP addresses. Each address in the list identifies a remote router (or other network gateway) that the local router is configured to recognize.
For each IP address, the router table additionally stores a network mask and other data that specifies the destination IP address ranges that remote device will accept.
Home network routers utilize a very small router table because they simply forward all outbound traffic to the Internet Service Provider (ISP) gateway which takes care of all other routing steps. Home router tables typically contain ten or fewer entries. By comparison, the largest routers at the core of the Internet backbone must maintain the full Internet routing table that contains several hundred thousand entries. (See the CIDR Report for latest Internet routing statistics.)

Hacking for Beginners

Are you a beginner who wants to learn hacking but don’t know where to start? If so you are at the right place. Since most of the books and free resources on the Internet are only meant for those who already have a considerable amount of knowledge on the subject, they fail to teach hacking for beginners. Therefore, I have decided to come up with this post that gives useful tips for beginners on how to kick start their journey to becoming a hacker.

What is the Best Way to Learn Hacking for Beginners?

Consider the following steps:
Step-1: Begin with the Basics
For beginners who have little or no previous knowledge of hacking, it is always better to start off from the basics. Instead of directly learning how to hack, you can begin exploring more about topics such as computer networks, network ports, firewalls, common network protocols like IP address, HTTP, FTP, DNS, SMTP etc. along with how each of those stuffs work.

What Is Keylogger And How To Be Safe From Keyloggers?

In this tutorial i am going to talk about the most use piece of software besides from RAT by hackers to observe your activities on your computer and that is keyloggers. keylogger is a software or hardware device which monitors each and every key typed by you on your keyboard. I am going to talk about different types of keylogger and how to be safe from keyloggers. So lets learn somthing about keyloggers.

 1. What is keylogger ?

You might have heard about keyloggers but really dont know what they are reading this article will clear your mind. A keylogger also know as keystroke logger is software or hardware device which monitors each and every key typed by you on your keyboard. You can not identify the presence of keylogger on your computer since it runs in background and also it is not listed in task manager or control panel. It can be used by parents to keep eye on their childrens or company owner to spy on their employes.

2. How it can harm you ?

In this section i will talk about how keylogger can harm you in different ways for example It can be used by your enemy or friend to get sensitive information such as your username and password, Bank credit card details, or any other activities you do on your computer.
  • Example: You login in to your Facebook account from a computer in which keylogger is install then your username and password will be captured.

How to penetrate a website in just four steps

This guide is used for penetration testing a website. Use this information legally and on YOUR website for spotting vulnerabilities. 

Till yesteryears it required Tech Geeks to have an above average knowledge to hack a website but these days it has become a child’s play. Like conventional searches, you can Google out the tools required to plan a Hack-Attack on a website and with a little effort you can execute the same with ease. Here it is, in 4 easy steps, how hackers execute it.

Step 1: Identifying
The Hacktivists first identify their target website which they want to attack upon. They first qualify the website, according to the vulnerability level, they wish to attack. Checking the vulnerability of the website allows the hacker to prepare tools and techniques required to bring down the website.
Hackers generally use Google Dork, or Google Hacking, to execute a vulnerability check against these easy-to-hack websites. It was very recent that a hacker posted a list of 5,000 such websites which were really easy to be attacked. If they don’t wish to Google it out, they can Bing it. This tool is heaven for hackers as it helps in qualifying such websites.
Hackers have a ready-to-refer index of Dorks which points out the websites having a particular vulnerability. Right from passwords to Login credentials, there is Dork available for everything. They would Google “intitle:”Index of” master.passwd” which will return them a file containing the passwords and then they have the list of potential victims ready with them to execute the hack. 

How To Pentest Your WPA/WPA2 WiFi With Kali Linux

Kali Linux can be used for many things, but it probably is best known for its ability to do penetration tests, or “hack,” WPA and WPA2 networks.
There are hundreds of Windows applications that claim they can hack WPA; don’t use them!
They’re all just scams, used by professional hackers, to lure newbie or want-to-be hackers into getting hacked themselves.
There is only one way that hackers get into your network, and that is with a Linux-based OS, a wireless card capable of monitor mode, and Aircrack-ng or similar tool.
Also note that, even with these tools, WiFi cracking is not for beginners.
Playing with it requires basic knowledge of how WPA authentication works, and moderate familiarity with Kali Linux and its tools, so any hacker who gains access to your network probably is no beginner!
These are things that you’ll need:
A successful install of Kali Linux (which you probably already have done). If not, follow my tutorial here: LINK
A wireless adapter that is capable of going into Monitor mode and can do Injection which u can buy in my shop. I will be using this one
A wordlist to try and “crack” the handshake password once it has been captured
If you have these then get a cup of coffee or some other beverage u like and let’s see how secure your network is,and do a real pentest !

Penetration Testing Training with Kali Linux

Kali Linux Training by Offensive Security

Founded in 2007, the penetration testing and information security training company
Offensive Security was born out of the belief that the best way to achieve sound
defensive security is through an offensive approach. The team is made up of security
professionals with extensive experience with attacking systems to see how they respond.
They share this information through information security trainings, free
penetration testing tools, and security publications.

Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

Penetration Testing with Kali Linux is the Offensive Security flagship ethical hacking course, 

designed and written by the Kali Linux developers. With years of experience in penetration 
testing, security research, tool development, and international Black Hat trainings, we have 
the experience and passion to teach you all about penetration testing. Penetration Testing 
with Kali Linux is also the only official security course revolving around the Kali Linux 

Unlike most security training programs and certifications, Penetration Testing with Kali
Linux is a performance based online course. Our certification process does not
involve easy to remember multiple choice questions, but rather hands on penetration
testing of live machines in a controlled, monitored lab environment. This makes the
OSCP certification one of the hardest, and most sought after, professional certifications
in the field.

Go to to learn more about Penetration Testing!